Thursday, August 25, 2011

While we're on the subject

Being male traditionally means physically having male sexual characteristics.

Being masculine means having behavioral traits or an appearance traditionally associated with maleness.

Being manly means having the virtuous subset of behavioral traits or an appearance traditionally associated with maleness.


Being female traditionally means physically having female sexual characteristics.

Being feminine means having behavioral traits or an appearance traditionally associated with femaleness.

Is there a word for the feminine equivalent of manliness, or is femininity made to do double duty, with the element of approval implied by context?


  1. I think calling a female a 'Ladylike' covers the same territory as manly. YMMV


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. "Womanly" is a wonderful word that was killed-off by post modern feminism.

    "Moxie" (or Moxy) is, sadly, also archaic. while men have "balls," woman had "moxie."

    However, it seems Moxie can be gender neutral.
